We All Drink Tea From A Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine

This yellow submarine tea infuser is adorable. I drink a lot of tea and would love to pick up one of these. 

[Via A Cup of Jo]

Be Still My Heart

I want to hang these prints, from Ork Posters, in my new massage room. They are awesome. 

SAG Awards, What The Hell Were You Thinking?

Even more than pretty dresses, I love ragging on people who look f-ing ridiculous. 

Anna Paquin would look really good if she were a coked-up cougar living it up in Las Vegas. 

It looks like she stole a bumpit from the Palins. 


Dear Julia Louis-Dreyfus, 

It did not work when Renee did it. 

It did not work when Gwyneth did it. 

And it’s not working any better for you now. 

Which one is worse: 

looking like coral-shaped tumors have randomly sprouted on your body?

or looking like a Dolly Parton reject in a dress that seriously looks like it’s made out of denim?


This hasn’t been a great year for Drew so far, fashion-wise. 

Joan Allen came out on the wrong side of the “night out at an Indian casino” line that Sandra Bullock was so precariously walking. 

I can’t decide if the “bag” she’s holding looks more like a tambourine or a heart-shaped box of Valentine’s Day candy.

SAG Awards, You Look Good Girl

I did not watch the SAG Awards, nor do I really care who won. But I love pretty dresses, and these, my friends, are some pretty dresses. 

Diane Kruger looks gorgeous in this ode to honey mustard, paired with bright red lips. 

It reminded me of a similar Michelle Williams’ success. Yellow, of any shade, is not really an easy color to pull off, but both of these women look impeccable. 

I want to curl up and sleep in the soft folds of Christina Applegate’s train.

She (or her stylist, I suppose) really is a master when it comes to pairing a dress with accessories. 

Mo’Nique is a bit mother-of-the-bride here, but she looks comfortable and radiant and the cut of the neck line is perfect. 

Jane Krakowski channels old-Hollywood starlets and totally pulls it off.

Jenna Fischer kind of looks like she ran out of time to finish her Princess Leia hairdo, but this color is amazing and she looks so beautiful. 


I feel like Jessalyn Gilsig’s dress is sort of attempting to tackle to her to the ground by slowly tying up her legs, but like Fischer’s dress, the color just conquers all. 

Kate Hudson looks quite lovely in this long-sleeved, backless, white number.

Though I do think Hillary Swank wore it better. 

The blue detailing gives Sandra Bullock’s look a bit of a night out at an Indian casino feel, but the fit is superb and I have a soft spot for dresses that successfully incorporate sleeves. 

Penelope Cruise, Tina Fey and Marion Cotillard demonstrate the right way to rock a short dress. 

I like that Cotillard’s dress looks like an understated, swan-less version of something Bjork once famously wore. 

How Are You Spending Your Weekend?


Athenian Green

This weekend, I’m painting my soon-to-be massage room a lovely Athenian Green. Apart from that, I’m hoping to just spend time on the couch cuddling up with my husband, watching The Wire on DVD and I have a small craving for either Pad Thai take-out one night, or brunch one morning. Hopefully I’ll get enough rest to feel rejuvenated come the start of a new week.

I have my State licensing exam on Monday, which means that once I pass that, I’ll only be a few weeks and some slow processing of paperwork away from actually having my certificate of licensure in hand. It has been a long haul, by I’m so close to actually practicing massage therapy in lovely Athenian Green room.

Feeling Blue

I have had a terrible couple of days. Do you ever get in one of those moods where you absolutely hate everyone and everything? That’s the kind of mood I’ve been in. I haven’t felt like doing anything or seeing anyone. I haven’t felt like talking to friends or writing, or doing much of anything at all apart from sleeping. I was just tired and trying desperately to fight off whatever cold or flu or low-grade plague I had coming on. I’m still recuperating a bit, but I’m feeling better. I’m not exactly ready to see anyone because I still don’t feel capable of being friendly, but I’ve got some more energy and actually feel capable of doing some things again. Fingers crossed I’ll be back to more regular posting moving forward. 

Angel Blue
 Blue…(Feral/Stray kitten)
Morning Blues
blue and white…2008
Blue Dreams
Blue water view from Santorini, Greece
Blue Jay in Snow
Blue Moon
Lotus Flower


Right now, it is absolutely beautiful in Baltimore. Sunny, bright, 55 degrees. It makes me want to go out and purchase new deck furniture, or start replanting my little backyard garden. For now, I’m managing to suppress those urges. I sat outside this morning and read for a bit with the sun on my face, though. It was incredible. 

Tonight, I’m going out dancing with some girlfriends. Two thumbs way up for Friday!

Lessons From Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is often regarded as a luxury experience. This is both understandable and unfortunate. It isn’t cheap. Depending on where you live and what kind of therapist you’re seeing, an hour-long massage can range anywhere from $55 to $120 (or more even. If you’re being charged more than $120 an hour, the massage table better be a cloud floating in a beautiful late spring sky and the therapist better be some Greek god of natural healing. That’s just outrageous. I’m looking at you, New York City.). 

What’s really a shame about the pricing is that massage therapy can be and is so much more than just spending an hour-plus lying on a table while someone pampers you into deep relaxation. There are so many amazing physical and emotional benefits to massage. It can be used to reduce pain and stress in patients suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses. It can help speed recovery time for people suffering from injuries. It can reduce depression and anxiety. It can help people with body image issues gain a better sense of their own bodies and a greater attachment to reality of their physical selves. It can help abuse victims reestablish a healthy and supportive connection to human touch. Perhaps most importantly, it can help everyone relieve the aches and pains of everyday life, reduce stress and improve postural issues that stem from common work and activity conditions. 

Alas, massage therapy remains out of reach for many people. So I offer the following benefit, free of charge: a lesson learned from practicing massage therapy that can be applied to any situation to improve your peace of mind and happiness. 

I am the sort of person who has an unassailable need to constantly strive for something better. I’m middle class American, it’s a pretty common condition. I can’t seem to make up my mind about what I should be doing with my life, what direction my interests and abilities should take me. This is probably why I start a new and different blog each year. My desires change and I want to try something different, something new, something better. I want to write, but I can never stick to one story. Ideas keep coming and I abandon old ones, promising to return to them, but never do. In a society that–especially in the wake of a recession and growing unemployment–so fully links life to work, I can’t help but feel like I’m an embarrassing waste of talent or intelligence. While friends are in grad school, or preparing to head back to grad school, or working jobs that are the early stepping stones to a life in the career of their choice, I’m not doing much of anything. Even with massage therapy, despite the 600 hours of coursework required to get a license and despite the required national and state exams, I feel like a bit of a failure in comparison to others. I don’t know if this will be my life-fulfilling career. And I always feel a little sheepish when I tell people that I’m getting ready to start my own massage therapy business, because it is so often regarded as glorified back rubbing. I had to learn a ton of anatomy and physiology and know all sorts of stuff about injuries and pathologies, but it’s hard to fit that into a response to “and what do you do?” Besides, why should I feel like I have to defend my choices? 

What I have learned, though, from studying massage this past year, is that there is something very valuable and very fulfilling about letting go of all the ifs and the maybes and the search for the “better” and just allowing yourself to be present in the moment. To provide a high quality and truly beneficial massage, a therapist must learn how to be fully present. You have to be present for your client. You need to tune into the rhythms of your client’s body. You have to be able to pick up on minute reactions to different types of touch and pressure. You have to connect with the tissue, sense it’s tone and temperature, it’s reaction to different manipulations. You have to be connected to your client’s breath. Are they breathing fully with deeper pressures? Is the breathing relaxed, labored? You have to hold the space around your clients and be present to ensure their safety and comfort.

But you also have to be fully present for yourself as well. Though you must find a way to connect with the client on your table, you also have to maintain a full connection to yourself. You need to focus on your own breathing, so that you are not holding your breath during certain movements or manipulations, which can lead to injury and fatigue. You have to be present for yourself so that you are protected in the therapy space. It is important to avoid taking on negative energy from your clients. It is draining and depressing when that happens. You have to present for your own comfort, so that you can move about easily and without pain or stress. Most importantly, you have to be present for yourself, in that moment, so that your mind doesn’t wander and the connection to your client doesn’t break. 

It’s a worthwhile lesson because it really opens your eyes to the pleasures of your own life and your own experiences. Rather than always looking forward, trying to seek out something different or better than what you have now, try just being present for everything you do. Reading, cooking, exercising, cuddling up with someone else while watching tv. By connecting more fully to all the small moments of your life, you experience more joy in each day and can take greater pride in all the little things you do. And it’s all those little things that make life worth living.

Plus, There’s This

I have a new blog. I’m still going to write this blog, but I needed a different space to post stuff that doesn’t really fit with the theme and general context of this blog. 

This One Goes to Eleven. You can check it out right here. I think it demonstrates that I’m funny. And modest. I’m nothing if not modest. Totally, completely, always modest. I’m probably the most modest person you’ll ever know. Yep. Modesty. It’s practically my middle name.

Love The Accent! {Lamps}

Today, I explore lamps for massage room decor. Nearly everything on this list is probably (and unfortunately) out of my price range, but a girl can dream.

Hannah Nunn


Gee Willowkers Lamps

Bark and Bird

Design Public

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